Virginia History, Geography, Population, State Facts


The Old Dominion State

Great Seal of the State of Virginia

Adoptedon July 5, 1776.

The great seal of the Commonwealth was adopted by the Virginia's Constitutional Convention on July 5, 1776. Its design was the work of a committee composed of George Mason, George Wythe, Richard Henry Lee, and Robert Carter Nicholas. George Wythe was probably the principal designer taking its theme from ancient Roman mythology.

The history of America is closely tied to that of Virginia, particularly during the Colonial period. Jamestown, founded in 1607, was the first permanent English settlement in North America and slavery was introduced there in 1619. The surrenders ending both the American Revolution (Yorktown) and the Civil War (Appomattox) occurred in Virginia. The state is called the Mother of Presidents because eight U.S. presidents were born there.

Capital City: Richmond

Capitol Tour

Virginia: State of Virginia Official Web site

Admission to Statehood: Click for Date & List

Airports: Airports Map |? Airport Links

Amtrak: Northeast

Area: 42769 sq.mi, 35th ? Land 39598 sq. mi., 37th ? Water 3171 sq.mi., 15th ? Coastline 112 mi., 15th ? Shoreline 3,315 mi., 8th

Area Codes: Virginia

Biographies: Famous People from Virginia

Bird: Northern Cardinal

Border States: Regional List ?Kentucky ? Maryland ? North Carolina ? Tennessee ? West Virginia

Cam World: Live Web Cams

Cities & Towns: Cities ?Towns

Counties: Virginia

Climate: Virginia

Community Pages: Virginia Cities, Towns, Communities List

Constitution: 10th State

County Profile: County Map ? 95 Counties

Courts: Judicial System

Current Events: Virginia News Headlines

Department of: Education | Licensure ?| College of William and Mary - Williamsburg, founded in 1693. | George Mason University - Located in Fairfax | University of Virginia - Charlottesville, founded in 1819.

Driving: DMV

Economy: Agriculture: Cattle, poultry, dairy products, tobacco, hogs, soybeans.? Industry: Transportation equipment, textiles, food processing, printing, electric equipment, chemicals.

Flag: Virginia (VA)

Flower: Dogwood ? Cornus florida

Cyndi's List ? Historical Societies

Geographic Center: 5 miles southwest of Buckingham

Geology Maps: Virginia

Ghost Towns: Ghost Towns

Governor: Office of Governor

Highest Point: Mt. Rogers; 5,729 feet, 19th

Highways: Virginia Highways

History: History Timeline ?? Historical |? Civil War | Virginia History - Brief history of Virginia from Colonial Era to the 20th-Century.

Hotels, Motels & Inns:

Kids Corner: State of Virginia Kids Site

Library: Virginia?

License Plates: Virginia

Lighthouses: New Cape Henry | Old Cape Henry

Lottery: Virginia

Lowest Point: Atlantic coast; sea level, 3rd


Media: Radio ? TV

Motto: Sic Semper Tyrannis Thus Always to Tyrants

Museums: The Virtual Library

Name: Virginia named for England's "Virgin Queen,"Elizabeth

Population: Quick facts ? 7,078,515; 12th, 12/00

Presidential Birthplace: George Washington, 1789-1797 {1st} ? Thomas Jefferson, 1801-1809 {3rd} ? James Madison, 1809-1817 {4th} ? James Monroe, 1817-1825 {5th} ? Willian Henry Harrison, 1841 {9th} ? John Tyler, 1841-1845 {10th} ? Zachary Taylor, 1849-1850 {12th} ?? Woodrow Wilson, 1913-1921 {28th}

Real Estate: Every Virginia City, Town & Community

Representatives: Virginia House: Members Virginia Senate: Members US House: ? 110th Congress US Senate: ? 110th Congress

Road Side America: Virginia

School Directory: Virginia

Soil: Virginia - Pamunkey

Song: Virginia? ??

Sports: Virginia Teams

State Parks: DCR - Visitors guide to Virginia's Parks and Natural Areas. | Virginia Online - Virginia portal and index. | Virginia is For Lovers - Vacation in Virginia

Symbols: VA Symbols


Travel: Virginia Travel

Tree: Flowering Dogwood ? Cornus florida ?

Veteran Affairs: Virginia VA

Visitor Guides: Virginia - Virginia travel and tourism information by the Virginia Tourism Corporation.

Weather: Richmond, Richmond International Airport

White Pages: ?- Over 90 million people listings, businesses, emails, & reverse telephone listings.

Yellow Pages:: Yellow

Zoo: Virginia Zoo