North Dakota was explored in 17381740 by French Canadians led by Sieur de la Verendrye. In 1803, the U.S. acquired most of North Dakota from France in the Louisiana Purchase. Lewis and Clark explored the region in 18041806, and the first settlements were made at Pembina in 1812 by Scottish and Irish families while this area was still in dispute between the U.S. and Great Britain. In 1818, the U.S. obtained the northeast part of North Dakota by treaty with Great Britain and took possession of Pembina in 1823. However, the region remained largely unsettled until the construction of the railroad in the 1870s and 1880s.
Capital City: Bismarck
Capitol Tour
North Dakota: State of North Dakota Official Web Site
Admission to Statehood: Click for Date & List
Airports: Airports Map ? Airport Links
Amtrak: West
Area: 70704 sq.mi, 19th ? Land 68994 sq. mi., 17th ? Water 1710 sq.mi., 22nd
Area Codes: North Dakota
Biographies: Famous People from North Dakota
Bird: Western Meadowlark
Border States: Regional List ? ?Minnesota ?? Montana ? South Dakota
Cam World: Live Web Cams
Cities & Towns: North Dakota
Climate: North Dakota
Community Pages: North Dakota Cities, Towns, Communities List
Constitution: 39th State .pdf file
County Profile: County Map ? 53 Counties
Courts: Judicial System
Current Events: North Dakota News Headlines
Department of: Education | North Dakota University System Learn more about North Dakota's 11 public colleges and universities.
Driving: NDDOT
Economy: Agriculture: Wheat, cattle, barley, sunflowers, milk, sugar beets.?? Industry: Food processing, machinery, mining, tourism.
Flag: North Dakota (ND)
Flower: Wild Prairie Rose ? Rosa arkansana
Cyndi's List ??? Historical Societies
Geographic Center: Sheridan, 5 miles southwest of McClusky
Geology Maps: North Dakota
Ghost Towns: Ghost Towns
Governor: Office of Governor
Highest Point: White Butte; 3,506 feet, 30th
Highways: North Dakota Highways
History: History Timeline ??Historical ?
Hotels, Motels & Inns:
Kids Corner: State of? North Dakota Kids Site
Library: North Dakota
License Plates: North Dakota
Lowest Point: Red River; 750 feet, 45th
Media: Radio ?? TV
Motto: Liberty and union, now and forever, one and inseparable.
Museums: The Virtual Library
Name: Dakota is the Sioux Indian word for "friend"
Population: Quick facts ? 642,200; 47th, 12/00
Real Estate: Every North Dakota City, Town & Community
Representatives: North Dakota House: Members ? North Dakota Senate: Members??? House: ? 110th Congress ? US Senate: ? 110th Congress
School Directory: North Dakota
Soil: North Dakota - Williams
Song: North Dakota? ??
Sports: North Dakota Teams
State Parks: North Dakota
Symbols: ND Symbols
Travel: North Dakota Travel
Tree: American Elm ? Ulmus americana ?
Veteran Affairs: North Dakota VA
Visitor Guides: North Dakota North Dakota Travel & Tourism guide.? | North Dakota Parks and Recreation North Dakota Outdoors. | Dakota Prairie Grasslands
Where pristine vistas inspire the imagination.
Weather:? Bismarck, Bismarck Municipal Airport
White Pages: ?- Over 90 million people listings, businesses, emails, & reverse telephone listings.
Yellow Pages:: Yellow
Zoo: Dakota Zoo