Nevada History, Geography, Population, State Facts

The Sagebrush State

Great Seal of the State of Nevada

Adoptedon February 24, 1886.

The state seal is the first symbol Nevada adopted. A seal is a stamp that is placed on official state documents or papers. Adopted February 24, 1886. A gold seal is embossed with the words, "The Great Seal of the State ofNevada" around the outer edge. Within this is a composite picture showing the mining, agriculture, industry, and scenery of Nevada, under which is a scroll with the state motto, "All for Our Country."

Click for latest Carson City, Nevada, weather

Trappers and traders, including Jedediah Smith and Peter Skene Ogden, entered the Nevada area in the 1820s. In 18431845, John C. Fr?mont and Kit Carson explored the Great Basin and Sierra Nevada. The U.S. obtained the region in 1848 following the Mexican War, and the first permanent settlement was a Mormon trading post near present-day Genoa.

The driest state in the nation, with an average annual rainfall of only about 7 in., much of Nevada is uninhabited, sagebrush-covered desert. The wettest part of the state receives about 40 in. of precipitation per year, while the driest spot has less than 4 in. per year.Nevada was made famous by the discovery of the Comstock Lode, the richest known U.S. silver deposit, in 1859, and its mines have produced large quantities of gold, silver, copper, lead, zinc, mercury, barite, and tungsten. Oil was discovered in 1954. Gold now far exceeds all other minerals in value of production.

In 1931, the state created two industries, divorce and gambling. For many years, Reno and Las Vegas were the divorce capitals of the nation. More liberal divorce laws in many states have ended this distinction, but Nevada is still the gambling capital of the U.S. and a leading entertainment center. State gambling taxes account for 34.1% of general fund tax revenues. Although Nevada leads the nation in per capita gambling revenue, it ranks only tenth in total gambling revenue.
Capital City: Carson City

Capitol Tour

Nevada: State of Nevada Official Web Site

Admission to Statehood: Click for Date & List

Airports: Airports Map ? Airport Links

Amtrak: West

Area: 110567 sq.mi, 7th ? Land 109806 sq. mi., 7th ? Water 761 sq.mi., 35th

Area Codes: Nevada

Biographies: Famous People from Nevada

Bird: Mountain Bluebird

Border States: Regional List ??Arizona ?? California ?? Idaho ?? Oregon ?? Utah

Cam World: Live Web Cams

Cities & Towns: Nevada

Climate: Nevada

Community Pages: Nevada Cities, Towns, Communities List

Constitution: 36th State

County Profile: County Map ? 16 Counties

Courts: Judicial System

Current Events: Nevada News Headlines

Department of: Education ??? Licensure | University of Nevada The University & Community College System of Nevada (UCCSN) with information on its Universities and Colleges.

Driving: DMV&PS

Economy: Agriculture: Cattle, hay, dairy products, potatoes. ? Industry: Tourism, mining, machinery, printing and publishing, food processing, electric equipment.

Flag: Nevada (NV)

Flower: Sagebrush ? Artemisia tridentata

Cyndi's List ?? Historical Societies

Geographic Center: Lander, 26 miles southeast of Austin

Geology Maps: Nevada

Ghost Towns: Ghost Towns

Governor: Office of Governor

Highest Point: Boundary Peak; 13,143 feet, 9th

Highways: Nevada Highways ? Lincoln Highway Association

History: History Timeline ??? Historical

Hotels, Motels & Inns:

Kids Corner: State of Nevada Kids Site

Library: Nevada??

License Plates: Nevada

Lottery: None

Lowest Point: Colorado River; 470 feet, 37th


Media: Radio ? TV

Motto: All for our country

Museums: The Virtual Library

Name: Nevada called the Silver State because of its large silver mine industries. Named as the ?Sage State? and the ?Sagebrush State? for the wild sage that grows there prolifically.

National Forest: Nevada

Population: Quick facts ? 1,998,257; 35th, 12/00

Real Estate: Every Nevada City, Town & Community

Representatives: Nevada Assembly: Members ?? Nevada Senate: Members??? US House: ? 110th Congress??? US Senate: ? 110th Congress

Road Side America: Nevada

School Directory: Nevada

Soil: Nevada - Orovada

Song: Nevada? ??

Sports: Nevada Teams

State Parks: Nevada

Symbols: Nevada Facts


Travel: Nevada Travel

Tree: bristlecone pine ? Pinus monophylla / Pinus aristata ?

Veteran Affairs: Nevada VA

Visitor Guides: Nevada Tourist information by the Nevada Commission on Tourism.

Weather:? Reno, Reno Tahoe International Airport

White Pages: ?- Over 90 million people listings, businesses, emails, & reverse telephone listings.

Yellow Pages:: Yellow

Zoo: Las Vegas Zoo