Connecticut History, Geography, Population, State Facts

The Constitution State

Great Seal of the State of Connecticut

Adopted in 1784.

The Connecticut State Seal was adopted in 1784.

Connecticut's first seal was brought from England by Colonel George Fenwick in 1639. It was the seal of the Saybrook Colony and was turned over to the Connecticut Colony at about the time that it purchased the land and fort at Saybrook Point from Colonel Fenwick in 1644. The seal was used by the General Court (General Assembly) from that time forward, but there is no clear record of who had custody of the seal. On October 9, 1662, the same day that the new Royal Charter was read aloud at Hartford, the assembly formally declared that the seal would be kept by the Secretary of the Colony and used as the Seal of the Colony on necessary occasions. It remained the colony's seal until October 1687, when Sir Edmund Andros took control of the colony's government and the seal disappeared. It is presumed to have been destroyed.

** - The Great Seal is provided here for educational purposes only. State law restricts reproduction of the Great Seal for other purposes.

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The Dutch navigator, Adriaen Block, was the first European of record to explore the area, sailing up the Connecticut River in 1614. In 1633, Dutch colonists built a fort and trading post near present-day Hartford but soon lost control to English Puritans from the Massachusetts Bay Colony. English settlements established in the 1630s at Windsor, Wethersfield, and Hartford united in 1639 to form the Connecticut Colony under the Fundamental Orders, the first modern constitution.

Connecticut played a prominent role in the Revolutionary War, serving as the Continental Army's major supplier. Sometimes called the Arsenal of the Nation,

Connecticut Photos
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Capital City: Hartford

Capitol Tour

Connecticut: State of Conneciticut Official Web sitel

Admission to Statehood: Click for Date & List

Airports: ?Airports Map ? Airport Links

Amtrak: Northeast

Area: 5544 sq.mi, 48th ? Land 4845 sq. mi., 48th ? Water 698 sq.mi., 37th ? Shoreline 618mi., 18th

Biographies: Famous People from Connecticut

Bird: American Robin

Area Codes: Connecticut

Border States: Regional List ??? Massachusetts ?? New York ? Rhode Island

Cam World: Live Web Cams

Climate: Connecticut

Community Pages: Connecticut Cities, Towns, Communities List

Constitution: 5th State

County Profile: County Map ? 8 Counties

Courts: Judicial System

Department of: Education ? Certification? | Connecticut State University System | Largest public university system in Connecticut with four universities. University of Connecticut The University was founded in 1881. | Yale University - A leading private, independent research institution, founded in 1701 in New Haven, Connecticut.

Driving: DMV

Economy: Agriculture: Nursery stock, eggs, dairy products, cattle. ? Industry: Transportation equipment, machinery, electric equipment, fabricated metal products, chemical products, scientific instruments.

Flag: Connecticut (CT)

Flower: Mountain Laurel ? Kalmia latifolia

Cyndi's List ? Historical Societies

Geographic Center: Hartford, at East Berlin

Geology Maps: Connecticut

Ghost Towns: Ghost Towns

Governor: Office of Governor

Highest Point: Mt. Frissell; 2,380 feet, 36th

Highways: Connecticut Highways

History: ?History Timeline ? ?Historical ??? Civil War

Hotels, Motels & Inns:

Kids Corner: State of Connecticut Kids Site

Library: Connecticut?

License Plates: Connecticut

Lighthouses: Avery Point ? ?Mystic Seaport ??New London ??New London Ledge ? Stonington Harbor

Lottery: Connecticut

Lowest Point: Long Island Sound; Sea level, 3rd


Media: Radio ? TV

Motto Qui transtulit sustinet He who transplanted still sustains:

Museums The Virtual Library

National Forest:

Name: Connecticut name is based on Mohican and Algonquin Indian words for a "place beside a long river".

New England: States

Population: Quick facts ? 3,405,565; 29th, 12/00

Presidential Birthplace: George Walker Bush, 2001 - Present {43rd}

Real Estate: Every Connecticut City, Town & Community

Representatives: State House: Members??? State Senate: Members??? US House: ? 110th Congress??? US Senate: ? 110th Congress

Road Side America: Connecticut

School Directory: Connecticut

Soil: Connecticut - Windsor

Song: Connecticut? ??

Sports: Connecticut Teams

Symbols: Connecticut State Symbols


Travel: Connecticut Travel

Tree: White Oak ? Quercus alba ?

Veteran Affairs: Connecticut VA

Visitor Guides: Connecticut - Connecticut Tourism Home Page.

Weather:? Hartford, Hartford-Brainard Airport

?White Pages: ?- Over 90 million people listings, businesses, emails, & reverse telephone listings.

Yellow Pages: Yellow