The Inn at Locke House

Bed and Breakfast
19960 Elliot Rd, Lockeford, CA 95237

Lockeford California, A Prime Place Along the River to Live

Many see this small village along the river as a prime place to buy or build a home

All though the countryside around Lockeford is filled with orchards, vineyards and horse ranches, Lockeford has recently shifted into a higher gear with more residential building. . Lockeford Springs Golf Course is a championship links-style course.

In 1885 Luther Jewett Locke completed his two-story brick Queen Anne home and butcher shop on the southwest corner of Main Street and Tully Road (13480 State Route 88) The son of Dr. Dean Locke, Luther had managed his father’s beef herd in Nevada for many years, taking livestock over the Sierra Nevada each season. Tiring of this operation, he opened his Lockeford Meat Market on the first floor of his new building, while his wife Alice (Lipp) operated a millinery in part of the first floor. The building was designed by Charles Beasley, a well-known Stockton architect, and was quite avant garde for its period. The family resided in elegant rooms upstairs, and whiled away their time in the English garden to the rear of the building The building was purchased by William and Martha Bice in 1939 and remodeled for his barber shop and their residence. The building was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1982.

Lockeford is served by Stockton Metropolitan Airport, located on county land just south of city limits. The airport has been designated a Foreign Trade Zone and is mainly used by manufacturing and agricultural companies for shipping purposes. Since airline deregulation, passenger service has come and gone several times. Most recently, domestic service resumed in June 2006 with service to Las Vegas by Allegiant Air, and the days of service/number of flights were expanded a few months later due to demand. Also in 2006, Aeromexico had planned to provide service to and from Guadalajara, Mexico, but the airport's plan to build a customs station at the airport was initially rejected by the customs service. However, the possibility of building this station is currently a continuing matter of negotiation between the airport and the customs service, and Aeromexico has indicated a continuing interest in eventually providing service. Ground transportation is available from Hertz, Enterprise, Yellow Cab and Aurora Limousine. Air service to Phoenix began in September 2007.


 California International Airports: California Airports

Amtrak: Lodi Ca Amtrack Station (Photo)

Area: The amount of land area in Lockeford is 19.927 sq. kilometers. The amount of surface water is 0 sq kilometers. The distance from Lockeford to Washington DC is 2504 miles. The distance to the California state capital is 29 miles. (as the crow flies) Lockeford is positioned 38.15 degrees north of the equator and 121.15 degrees west of the prime meridian.

Arts & Entertainment: Lockeford Entertainment

Jack Tone Residence

Biographies: Jack Tone - Farmer & Rancher


The Valley Road - A reproduced book that published prior to 1923. One may may find occasional imperfections like blurred or missing pages, errant marks, poor pictures, etc. that were either initiated during the process of scanning or was there in the original book. The publishers believe this work to be culturally important.

Chamber: Clements/Lockeford Chamber

Churches: Lockeford

First Landmark Missionary Baptist Church - 1011 E. Hwy 12, Lockeford, CA 95237  209-333-0129  Pastor C.O. Trotter
First Southern Baptist Church - 18544 East Walnut, Clements CA 95227 - 209 759-3539
Gospel Lighthouse Pentecostal Church of God - 13555 E. Hammond Street, Lockeford,
209-727-5351  - Pastor Ernest Robertson
Grace Church of Lockeford - 13301 Dawson Road - Lockeford, CA 95237 -
209-727-5668 - Pastor Jack Ryan
Harmony Grove Church - 11455 E. Locke Rd., Lockeford
Harmony Grove Church - 11455 E. Locke Rd., Lockeford Harmony Grove Church - 11455 E. Locke Rd., Lockeford

Built in 1859, this historic church has standard seating for 80 and features beautiful wood pews, glass hutch windows and old-world charm. A popular setting for small weddings.
Lockeford Clements United Methodist Fellowship - 18018 N. Tretheway Road - Lockeford,
209-368-6680 - Reverend Edward E. Schwyn
Lockeford Seventh Day Adventist Church - 19900 N. Elliott Road - Lockeford,
209-727-5108 - Pastor G. Ray James
St. Joachim Catholic Church - 13392 Lockeford Ranch Rd - Lockeford Map Location
209-727-3912 - Mass: Sat: 5:30 p.m. (English); Sun.: 9:15 a.m. (English), 11:30 a.m. (Spanish Father Enda Maguire

City: City of Lockeford

Climate: Lockeford, CA climate is warm during summer when temperatures tend to be in the 70's and cold during winter when temperatures tend to be in the 40's.

The warmest month of the year is July with an average maximum temperature of 92.30 degrees Fahrenheit, while the coldest month of the year is December with an average minimum temperature of 35.30 degrees Fahrenheit.

Temperature variations between night and day tend to be relatively big during summer with a difference that can reach 35 degrees Fahrenheit, and moderate during winter with an average difference of 21 degrees Fahrenheit.

The annual average precipitation at Lockeford is 19.53 Inches. Rainfall in is fairly evenly distributed throughout the year. The wettest month of the year is January with an average rainfall of 3.81 Inches.

Colleges: Nearby Stockton is home to several well known higher educational institutions including the University of the PacificCalifornia State University Stanislaus-StocktonSan Joaquin Delta Community CollegeHumphreys College and School of Law, as well as a variety of private and vocational schools. • California Colleges •  USA Colleges

Community: Clements/Lockeford CommunityCommunity OverviewCommunity Center

Current Events: Lockeford News Headlines

Economy: Agriculture: Vegetables, fruits and nuts, dairy products, cattle, nursery stock, grapes.

Elevation: 104 ft

Events: May: Lockeford Street Faire - Phone 209.727.3142 - June: Clements Stampede Phone 209.759.3517 • 

Gasoline Prices: Current Stockton gasoline prices

Government: Fire Police • County Sheriff

Grocery Stores:

Helen's (209) 727-0539 13460 E Highway 88, Lockeford, CA
Locke Ford Food Mart (209) 727-5442 14000 E Highway 88, Lockeford, CA
Payless Market (209) 727-5409 18980 N Highway 88, Lockeford, CA


Highways: Highway Road Conditions Map

State Highway 88,
State Highway 12
J5 Elliot / Jack tone Roads 

Historical Landmarks: NO. 155 LONE STAR MILL A sawmill built in 1852 on the Mokelumne River was removed to Hodge and (David S.) Terry's ranch in 1854 and a flour mill attached the following year. The mill burned in 1856 and was rebuilt on its present site as the Lone Star Mill.
Location: Entrance to Stillman L. Magee Park, Mackville Rd, 1 mi N of Clements • NO. 365 LOCKEFORD (LOCKE'S FORD).It was on this hill that Dr. Dean Jewett Locke and his brother Elmer H. Locke built the first cabin on this section in 1851. Disturbed by grizzly bears, they spent their first nights in the oak trees. Dr. Locke, physician for the Boston and Newton Joint Stock Company, left Boston on April 16, 1849 to cross the plains and arrive at Sacramento on September 16, 1849. Because he built and maintained a ford across the Mokelumne River, his wife, Delia Hammond Locke, in 1859 named the town he laid out on his ranch Lockeford. Location:  0.6 mi N on Elliot Rd, Lockeford  • Harmony Grove Church

National Register #82002253 Locke's Meat Market 13480 Highway 88 Lockeford
National Register #82002253 Locke's Meat Market 13480 Highway 88 Lockeford

History: Clements, Lockeford History

Home Builders:

Hotels, Motels & Inns:

The Inn at Locke House

Grand Oaks Inn- Clements

Incorporation Date:

Library: Lockford Library

Location: 15.88 miles Northeast of Stockton

Map: Lockeford Map

Name: The town’s name is credited to Dean J. Locke’s wife, Delia, who suggested the name since people called the river crossing “Locke’s ford

Newspapers: Recordnet.comCalifornia NewspapersNational Newspapers

Nightspots: San Joaquin Night Spots


Before the recession, chocoholics could get their fill at Chocoholics Divine Desserts 18819 Highway 88, it was a working factory that produced chocolate cookies, desserts sauces, hand-dipped spoons and even their line of body frosting. Visitors could take a self-guided tour through the factory, before heading to the gift shop/cafe for some refreshments. The factory was forced to close down.

Clements I.O.O.F. Building Clements I.O.O.F. Building
Clements City Limits Photo by Ken Vogel
Dalton Club
13465 Highway 88

Lockeford Historic District

Main Street

Harmony Grove Church
11445 Locke Road

Lockeford Plaque

844 Lockeford Road

Moklelumne Bridge

Wilber Allen

Ghost Sign

Highway 88 Walnut Trees

Elliott Township

13296 Highway 88 - Grupe Real Estate office

13329 Highway 88 - Coils Store 13329-13333 Highway 88 -The Coil’s Store building is a one-story frame structure with a rectangular mass plus an addition to the southwest elevation. The building has a hip roof with overhanging eaves with composition shingles over wood shingles. The addition has a shed roof and a Western Style false front clad in V-Rustic siding. The walls of the buildings are clad in board and batten siding, while the primary façade has been faced with stucco. Double glass and panel doors in a recessed entry are flanked by display windows with four lights each; all have transoms. Original fenestration, extant on the east rear, consists of 2/2-light frame sash, double-hung; other windows are aluminum sliders. The ca. 1915 addition has a large storefront window, a horizontal louvre in the front, and a modern glass and panel door.

13366 Highway 88 - The IOOF Building is a brick two-story vernacular Italianate structure with a square mass. The roof is flat, with a brick cornice supported by corbelling. The façade has three bays, in an ABBBBA configuration of upper story windows. Fenestration the on the upper story consists of narrow semi-elliptical frame 4/4-light sash windows, double-hung. The windows are set within semi-elliptical brick arches and separated by doubled pilasters which protrude slightly from the wall surface. The building has been remodeled several times, with stucco now covering the southwest side and rear elevations and lower story. Newer slumpstone wainscoting has been installed on the northeast corner of the building. A modern wood frame door to the second-story lodge room is located on the lower story which fronts on State Route 88. The westernmost storefront features a central entry consisting of double glass and panel doors flanked by display windows with kick-plates and transoms. The easternmost storefront, which continues around Cotton Street, has a modern door and aluminum display windows, replacing the earlier two separate storefronts with individual doors and display windows. Display windows on the rear side of the Cotton Street elevation are aluminum, with multi-light wood transoms and plywood T-111 wainscoting. An arched pedestrian door is also located on Cotton Street. The building has a full-width awning, supported by metal brackets, which continues around the northeast side elevation. The Odd Fellows emblem of three links of a chain, flanked by IOOF on both sides, is located on the front and side of the building, beneath the cornice. The building has a frame shed-roofed addition to the rear elevation

13429 Highway 88 - The Live Oak Hotel - Lockeford Club - Probably built in the 1870s, is a two-story brick building with a rectangular mass and three bays. It has a hip roof covered with composition shingles. It was constructed in the simplified Classical Revival style of its era, with a porch over the front sidewalk. It appears to have been remodeled in the 1930s when the primary entry was enclosed with glass bricks and an arched window replaced what was probably another entry. At that time a side entry, from Cotton Street, beneath a canopy supported by wooden brackets, and a narrow horizontal window, were installed. Fenestration on the second story consists of 1/1-light frame lights, double-hung. A flat canopy, hung by metal rods, projects over the sidewalk and is connected to the adjacent building. The building was remodeled again in the mid-1970s, but it is unknown if the stucco cladding dates to that period or earlier.

13421 Highway 88 - The right side of the building above - Live Oak Saloon - Lockeford Drug Store - Barber Shop - A one-story brick building with a square mass. It has a front gable roof, covered with composition shingles, and a decorative front parapet. The parapet is covered with stucco, and the lower floor façade with stucco and recycled brick. Primary entry is via a central front multi- light French door, flanked by two windows with one light each set in arched brick recesses on each side. The building was remodeled in the mid-1970s, and possibly earlier also. The building appears to have been constructed in the 1870s, but its original appearance is unknown

13443 Highway 88 - Confectionary - Dr. Priestley’s Drug Store -Jack’s Fountain - This building was apparently constructed in the 1870s, is a one-story frame structure with a rectangular mass. It has a front gable roof and a Western Style False Front, originally clad in horizontal board siding and with a molded cornice. A full width front porch, with shingle roof, was supported by brackets. When the building was remodeled in 1926, the walls were clad in stucco and a canopy hung by metal rods affixed to the front. Primary entry is via double glass and panel doors in the center of the façade, each with a screen door. The doors are flanked by display windows, boarded over, with paneled kick plates. A multi-light transom courses the length of the façade. Windows on the side of the building are aluminum sliders, and the foundation is concrete. A cross-gabled Craftsman style addition was constructed on the northeast elevation in 1926; it housed a branch of the Stockton Library.

13461 Highway 88 - Haynes Building, Frisky Mule Saloon - A one-story frame structure with a rectangular mass. It has a front gable roof and a Western Style False Front with a molded cornice and keystone. The walls are clad in stucco, and the building has a concrete perimeter foundation. Primary entry is via a central front door, with one large light. The entry is flanked by frame display windows with five small lights above one large light. The kick-plates are of stucco, incised to appear like stone, and have a molded cornice below the windows. The words “Haynes Building, 1928” are centrally located on the primary façade. A full-width canvas awning and four barn light sconces appear to be recent additions.

13464 Highway 88 - Lockeford Donuts - What a great idea, a bar a donut shop and a pizza place featuring a laundromat next door. The donuts are the typical glazed ,fritters, the buttermilk old fashioned are a local favorite so get there Early. The bar has no ambiance, but its a donut shop. a great place to consume an adult beverage and play a game of pool while you wait for the best pizza in town. The service is fast along with good value for a great pizza. 13475 Highway 88 - Locke General Store/Locke’s Hall/Ambrose General Merchandise Store/Tramontini and Canepa Store/Goehring’s Hardware - The Locke General Store is a two-story brick vernacular Italianate building with a rectangular mass. The roof is flat, with pedimented parapet walls above a cornice. The façade has three bays, in an AAABBAAA configuration of upper story windows. Fenestration on the upper story consists of narrow semi-elliptical frame 1/1 light sash windows, double-hung. The windows are set within semi-elliptical brick arches which protrude slightly from the wall surface. The description of the lower story, now boarded over, is taken from a 1960s photograph. The façade features three bays, each with a recessed entry flanked by large display windows, kick-plates, and transoms. The building originally had a full-width awning, supported by metal brackets, which continued around the northeast side elevation.

13555 - Highway 88 - Dr. Locke Senior House - (Demolished) The Locke House was a two-story frame 1860s residence with a rectangular mass and a cross-gabled one-story rear addition. The house had a front gable roof, covered with wood shingles, and featured boxed eaves, eave boards, and Classical returns. Walls on the lower story were clad in horizontal lap siding, while the upper story walls were clad in California Rustic siding. A full-width porch, added in the mid-1880s, wrapped around both sides of the residence, and was supported by square wood posts. The porch was extended around the rear addition when it was completed around the turn of the nineteenth century. Fenestration consisted of 6/6-light frame sash, double-hung. The primary entry was via a modern multi-light and panel door on the front porch; a French door was located on the southwest side elevation in the addition. Some of the windows and doors were boarded over. Although in poor condition, the house retained its integrity to a remarkable degree. (The sign still stands.)

The distinctive metal water tower with the name Lockeford emblazoned on it was erected sometime in the late 1910s or the 1920s, replacing earlier water towers built by the Lockes

 Jack Tone Residence

Population: As of the censusGR2 of 2000, there were 3,179 people, 1,099 households, and 856 families residing in the CDP. The population density was 146.6/km² (379.7/mi²).

Post Office: Lockeford Post Office

Property Taxes: California Real Estate Tax Questions and Information

Public Utilities:  Switch Lockeford Public Utilities

Radio & TV: Strongest Radio and TV Stations near Lockeford

Recreation:  Lockeford Springs Golf Course
16360° N. Highway 88, Lodi

Fourteen holes that were cut out of an old walnut tree orchard. The natural setting makes this course quite scenic. The terrain is flat, yet the fairways do have some mounding. The greens are sloped and undulating. There is a creek that meanders through the course that comes into play on only a couple of holes. The signature hole is #18, a 514-yard, par 5, which plays to a dogleg fairway with a lake on the left and a waterfall and stream that flow into the lake. In addition, this hole has an L-shaped green with a canal on the right and the lake on the left. Fivesomes are only allowed if all the players ride. Golf Page


County: District 4 Map
US Congressional District 11 MapJerry McNerney Representative

Real Estate

If you are Buying or Selling Real Estate in Lockeford Ca, We have Bank Foreclosures, Bank Repos, Bank REOs, Short Sale Listings, MLS Listings and Income property listings, and other types of real estate listings for sale in Lockeford, You can Find MLS Realtor listings in all areas of San Joaquin County.


Burger King - 18980 N. Highway 88 Map Location 209-727-0213

Busaba Thai Cusine - 12470 Locke Rd Map Location 209-727-0000 Thai

Clements Feed & Fuel 18938 E. Highway 88 Clements, Ca 209-759-3100


Country Cafe - 13410 E. Highway 88 Map Location 209-727-5745 - American - Right photo courtesy of Ken Vogel




Coyotes - 14015 E. Highway 88 - 209-727-5900 - American 




Georges Lockeford Inn - 18700 N. Highway 88 - 209-727-5841 - American 

Georges Mini Mkt Cafe - 18662 N. Highway 88 - Map Location - 209-727-3064 -  American 

Lay's Roadhouse - 19960 N..Elliot Rd Map Location 209-727-5715 - American

Taco Bell - 1878 N. Highway 88 - 209-727-5744 - Take Out

Rivers, Creeks, & Streams:

Site of Woods Ferry, Woodbridge California
Mokelumne River

San Joaquin County Government:

Schools: Lockeford children attend schools in the Lodi Unified Schools

Shopping: Wineries, antique shopping and the new Vino Piazza are just a few pleasurable ways to spend your leisure time. The Italian village-like atmosphere of the Vino Piazza is very popular. Here multiple winemakers have shops to allow the visitor to taste the many delightful wines of the region. San Joaquin Shopping: San Joaquin Shopping

Transportation: Bus Intercity RoutesSan Joaquin County Transportation

Wineries: Lockeford Winery • The Locke House  • Lockeford B&B  • Lockeford Cellars  • Olde Lockeford Winery

White Pages: Lockeford White Pages

Zip Code: 95237

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