April 2013 What's News in Real Estate


Wright Realtors Real Estate News

Mar 30

Colors can alter your mood and your attitude towards life!
Throughout the years there has been much research in an attempt to grasp and utilize how color influences our homes and places of work. These findings have filtered down into everything from trendy wall colors to furniture and throw pillows. We live in a world with visual experiences. We see department stores displays and we are drawn to products. We even buy things simply from impulse because we just like the way in which they look! Read how to drench your home in happy colors.

Mar 24
Just What is the Home Sellers Role
In many areas of the country, spring came early this year bringing with it the traditional best time of the year for buying and selling homes, even through there are those lingering downturn. problems with tight credit, while median house prices continue on their decline, although more slowly. Yet there seems to be several positive market indicators to drive once-reluctant sellers to the market.
Apr 12
Some Economists Believe High Gasoline Prices Set Off Housing Crisis
A recent study by at the Oregon State University and U.C., Berkeley economists Suggests that the United States housing crisis that began during 2007 and subsequently led to a global financial catastrophe was sparked by rapidly rising gasoline prices. Economic bubbles have long histories, from a Dutch tulip craze in the 1600s and to this most recent housing bubble and numerous facets can set them off, researchers say.
Apr 11

Mortgage interest rates remained steady throughout this past week

April 4, 2012
Although Mortgage applications were off during the week that ended March 23rd in The Weekly Mortgage Application Survey. by Mortgage Banker's Association This doesn't seem unusual while consumer prepare for the boatload of changes happening with FHA loans and conforming mortgage refinance loans. Some of the changes are intended to assist borrowers who've been wanting to refinance, although unable, to refinance into reduced mortgage interest rates

Federal Housing Finance Agency Begins Transformation of Fannie and Freddie
Late in February, the FHFA laid out their strategic plan for future actions they are going to take as conservators for Fannie Mae along with Freddie Mac, also branded as government sponsored enterprises (GSEs). The initial analysis from Washington was that FHFA was simply offering an outline of what Legislators should do with these GSEs. However, a careful analysis of this strategic blueprint clearly suggests that FHFA plans to do the majority, if not everything that's in the plan covering their present authority. Another way of saying that, within their conservatorship powers, they are going to embark on transforming the GSEs while at the same time making an attempt to shelter the taxpayers from additional losses

Apr 10

  Container Gardens Done Right: Make Your Garden Appear Refined
Use plant patterns to add some unity to your plant collection. There's a theory that overflowing containers of herbs, flowers, vegetables and grasses will literally transform porches and balconies into leafy and green garden sanctuaries. In stark reality, the result is typically closer to a "Patio containing random plants in pots." Fern Richardson, the author of a new book titled, "Small-Space Container Gardens: Although a matching set of containers can seem staged, however a set of unmatched pots, all in the same material, will appear coherent and interesting.

Apr 08

Home-Buying Decisions Made with Heart and Head
A recent survey discovers both Men and Women Make their Home-Buying Decisions using Head and Heart Price while square-footage are both important aspects to think about when choosing a home although according to a recent survey with 1,000 of both men and women, show they both rely upon their sense of feel and the way a home fits their lifestyle when seeking a new place to live. A majority of women (63 percent) and men (60 percent) also know upon their first visit if a home is the right one for their needs. Read more about Home-Buying Decisions Made with Heart and Head

Apr 05

Paying Off Mortgage a Smart Decision
In today’s economy, it is the smartest decision most homeowners can make. One of the annoying traits with the post-crisis economy is the shortage of investments without risk which pay a decent return. Rates on insured CDs and federal government securities are almost zero. However every homeowner who has a mortgage on their home has an opportunity to get a return which equals the rate of interest they are paying on their mortgage, without risk, by simply making additional payments.

Apr 02

Colors can alter your mood and your attitude towards life!
Throughout the years there has been much research in an attempt to grasp and utilize how color influences our homes and places of work. These findings have filtered down into everything from trendy wall colors to furniture and throw pillows. We live in a world with visual experiences. We see department stores displays and we are drawn to products. We even buy things simply from impulse because we just like the way in which they look! Read how to drench your home in happy colors.

Apr 01
Just What is the Home Sellers Role
In many areas of the country, spring came early this year bringing with it the traditional best time of the year for buying and selling homes, even through there are those lingering downturn. problems with tight credit, while median house prices continue on their decline, although more slowly. Yet there seems to be several positive market indicators to drive once-reluctant sellers to the market.

March 2013 Real Estate News

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