Home-Buying Decisions Made with Heart and Head

A home is More Than a Bedroom Count, Square-footage or Number of Bathrooms

A recent survey discovers both Men and Women Make their Home-Buying Decisions using Head and Heart Price while square-footage are both important aspects to think about when choosing a home although according to a recent survey with 1,000 of both men and women, show they both rely upon their sense of feel and the way a home fits their lifestyle when seeking a new place to live. The survey discovered that 29 percent of women along with 24 percent of men place more emphasis upon about the way a home feels than they do about the square footage,, overall layout, or even price. A majority of women (63 percent) and men (60 percent) also know upon their first visit if a home is the right one for their needs.

A home is much more than a bedroom count, square-footage or number of bathrooms, and this recent survey discovers just how much of a role emotion can play in the home buying process. "When two people look at a home together, many considerations come into account. Quite naturally, price and layout are important, although ‘feeling at home’ becomes an important aspect. The survey also divulges the roles which men and women take part in while in the home and shows some remarkable differences among age groups.

Women Assume Responsibility of Turning a House into a Home:
More than half of all women (54 percent) state that they assume the lead role when it comes down to decorating the home. However, younger men assume a bigger role in decorating decisions than do older men. Forty-eight (49) percent of the younger men responding, age 18-45, believe decorating is a mutual decision; this declines to 35 percent for those responding aged 55 and older. Women are also the cooks in the kitchen. Sixty-seven (67) percent of women said they are the "main chef" of their household. Not to be bested, some men are occasionally putting the apron on with nearly a fourth of men (24 percent) saying cooking is their affair.

Age Alters Men's and Women's Feelings At Home
Also sharing financial choices may become easier over time. Fifty-four (55) percent of people aged 18-44 believe major financial choices are mutual, as compared to 61 percent of those aged 45-54. This rises to 70 percent of those aged 55 and over. it's also interesting that as age rises, so does satisfaction with their current home status. Just about half (46 percent) of those people surveyed older than 55 said they are extremely happy with their homes exactly the way they are, as compared to 24 percent of those in the 18-44.age bracket. More men appear to be more focused upon making significant alterations to their home (9 percent) as compared to women (6 percent). For couples just starting out in the home-buying route,

Below are a few tips for agreeable house-hunting:
Each person should create a list with a few points that are of most importance and then get together and subsequently decide upon a list as a couple, the highest three to five points that are important to both of them in a home.

When looking at homes, communication is vital. Think about designating a point collection person for the different aspects of home-buying, so that information does not become delayed or is only communicated to only one person of the couple.

However, don’t get more people than necessary involved; most often the more people involved means added stress and the most important point is the couple is satisfied with the decisions that are being made. Remember to have fun! Keep in mind that this is the home where memories will be built and a life shared together.

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