Free California Real Estate Disclosure Forms
California LawIT'S THE CALIFORNIA LAW:List of disclosures and explanations required by California Law required of most sellers of 1 to 4 residential units The Forms below require Adobe Reader. Get Adobe Reader Now These are not the copyrighted forms from the California Association of Realtors Lead Based Paint Disclosure (Rental): PDF Format The LBP Disclosure is required by law on properties built prior to 1978. Tenant must receive and review.Landlords Beware. Lead Based Paint DisclosurePDF Format The LBP Disclosure is required by law on properties built prior to 1978. Purchaser must receive and review. Natural Hazard DisclosurePDF Fornat Lead Based Paint Brochure (LBP) Pamphlet (Sale and Lease) ? PDF Format The LBP Pamphlet is required by law on properties built prior to 1978.Purchaser or tenant must receive the pamphlet. Real Estate Purchase Contract PDF Format Smoke Detector Statement ? PDF Format Required by California Law on 1-4 Units Transfer Disclosure Statement? PDF Format Required by California Law on 1-4 Residential Units Water Heater Statement PDF Format Bracing, Strapping as required by Health & Safety Code 19211 View How to Strap Water Heater
USE THESE FORMS AT YOUR OWN RISK! NO representation or warranty as to legality, accuracy, correctness or acceptance of these forms by any State or jurisdiction is indicated. Should you decide to use any of these forms in your legal affairs, consult with an attorney.
A real estate agent is precluded by Law in filling-in a Sales Contract Agreement unless they are involved in the transaction.