Real Estate Books Related to The Economy

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Real Estate Books Related to The Economy . Real Estate Books Related to The Economy Rating: 3

A healthy recovery of the housing marketplace is central to any future economic national strength,. Furthering access to affordable real estate loans for qualified buyers and investors along with aggressively going after additional short sales and loan modifications is paramount in helping to reenergize the real estate market and stimulate an economic recovery.

Chain of Blame: How Wall Street Caused the Mortgage and Credit Crisis - An account of this inconceivable disaster, with a particular focus on the people involved in such a basically flawed debacle. In it, Mathew Padilla and Paul Muolo authors of the book reveal the facts behind how this catastrophe happened, including what particular institutions and individuals doing during this crucial time, and the people ultimately responsible.
Chain of Blame: How Wall Street Caused the Mortgage and Credit Crisis
The Fiscal Cliff: How America Can Avoid a Fall And Stay On Top THE FISCAL CLIFF is a timely, no-nonsense account of our country’s current financial predicament and the precipitous fall that may soon come. Using the most up-to-date government and private sector data, economists Ayse Imrohoroglu and Selahattin Imrohoroglu offer a nuts-and-bolts primer to those who want to better understand the real fiscal crisis behind today’s headlines and rhetoric. 
The Fiscal Cliff: How America Can Avoid a Fall And Stay On Top

Finding the Upbeat in the Economy and Housing Market in 2012
Guaranteed to Fail - a book that details how poorly run government guarantees for mortgage giants Fannie and Freddie led up to the U.S. mortgage finance debacle, ponders different proposals of reform, and presents practical sensible recommendations. In spite of repeated requests for tougher proceedings, Washington has moved the opposite direction expanded their scope of loan guarantees.
Guaranteed to Fail

Reckless Endangerment: How Outsized Ambition, Greed, and Corruption Led to Economic Armageddon
Serving Two Masters, Yet Out of Control: Freddie & Fannie - After making an attempt to be the servant of two different entities, Fannie and Freddie have become literally without control. Would making them totally privately held fix this quandary of being both public and private? If not, are there other options available? In eleven different essays, economists, public figures, and government officials look into these favorable positions that have permitted these two agencies to expand to unparalleled size, realize such extraordinary profitability, and acquire unprecedented pressure over the political arena. See the article on Reasons Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae Will Never Disappear

Serving Two Masters, Yet Out of Control: Freddie & Fannie
THE SKINNY ON THE HOUSING CRISIS: What Every Homeowner and Homebuyer NEEDS TO KNOW!!!. At last someone has done a new look for non-fiction work. A 168 page book which is 1/3 text and s 2/3 with stick people illustrations. The point here is that less is sometimes more and that the time has come for authors and publishers to have concerns over the attention span and time of the reader. The Skinny is a book about an extremely serious subject about America dragging itself into the nastiest credit and housing crisis since America's Great Depression. Here's a story told through the experiences of Billy and Beth, a young couple, who bought their first house in 2006. However they lose their home in 2007 to foreclosure.
The Skinny on the Housing Crisis