What Is The Holiday Season All About?

What Is The Holiday Season All About?

It's easy to get over-involved in a whirlwind of attending holiday parties, decorating our homes, and finding the perfect gifts for friends and family. It seems the Holidays show up and then disappear in the bat of an eye. The holidays bring about many splendid opportunities to share good time with our loved ones and create many fond memories that will spend a lifetime in our minds. We should give thanks for all the blessings we hold within our lives and to not ever take any of them for granted. We have arrived at the time for reflection upon the year past of all that has occurred, creating New Years plans with expectation that we will stick to our resolutions.

As we reflect upon our own lives, furthermore it is significant to see the lives of other people. The ones close in our hearts or the strangers we pass by on the street. The holidays bring an awareness of the ones less fortunate to a more prominent position. In turn numerous opportunities arise for us to assist or help those in need. Reflect upon all that you possess and what you can do to provide comfort to just one other person less fortunate than yourself.

There is many opportunities for giving during this season of the year with community food, toy, and clothing drives. Sometimes forget that In all that's going on, there could be a child out there somewhere wishing for a warm blanket, a new toy, or some new mittens from Santa . I believe this is just one more Christmas Spirit example and something all of us should remember throughout the entire year. We wish you a wondrous and joyful holidays with all the cherish able memories for years to follow. Gene, Donna and Rocky

Dec 18, 2012