
Domania is an internet search engine that allows users to search through 28 million Comparables or "sold home prices" dating back to 1987 at no cost.

"Comparables" are vital to a person's understanding of the value of their home, especially using the sales comparison approach. It is often this information that is used by Real estate agents and other mortgage and financial professionals to arrive at a valuation of a property.

Real estate agents generally try to find 4 or 5 comparables to get the best indicator of the value of a property.

Domania is the outgrowth of a company called "INPHO" in 1989 by Steven Kropper and Fran Rivkin in Cambridge, MA. The original concept was phone and fax based. In 1999, @Ventures, a CMGI company provided venture capital for their transformation into an Internet brand and company. In 2002 Domania's assets were acquired by Primedia, a New York based publishing firm.

DOMANIA web site

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