Texas Community Pages

Downtown Lubbock skyline

Texas is divided into 254 counties, more than any other U.S. state. Texas was originally divided into municipalities, a unit of local government under Spanish and Mexican rule. When the Republic of Texas gained its independence in 1836, the 23 municipalities became the original Texas counties. Many of these were later divided into new counties. There are 3333 Texas Towns & Cities: Texas, cities are either "original law" or "home rule" cities. Cities governed under general law have only specific powers granted by state law. A city with a population exceeding 5,000 may seek home rule status by voter approval although some municipalities in Texas refer to themselves as "towns" or "villages", these names have no specific designation in law. Huston has the largest population with 2,312,717 residents, The smallest town in Texas is way down south on Ranch Road 649 about 90 miles northwest of McAllen in Jim Hogg County and has a population of a whopping 6. Early Mexican settlers called the town El Colorado because of the red cattle found in the area.


Gail?? Gainesville?? Galena?Park?? Gallatin?? Galveston?? Galveston?Island?? Ganado?? Garciasville?? Garden?City?? Garden?Ridge?? Garland?? Garrison?? Garwood?? Gary?? Gatesville?? Gause?? Geneva?? George?West?? Georgetown?? Geronimo?? Giddings?? Gilchrist?? Gillett?? Gilmer?? Girard?? Girvin?? Gladewater?? Glen?Flora?? Glen?Rose?? Glenn?Heights?? Glidden?? Gober?? Godley?? Golden?? Goldsboro?? Goldsmith?? Goldthwaite?? Goliad?? Gonzales?? Goodfellow?AFB?? Goodrich?? Gordon?? Gordonville?? Goree?? Gorman?? Gouldbusk?? Graford?? Graham?? Granbury?? Grand?Prairie?? Grand?Saline?? Grandfalls?? Grandview?? Granger?? Grangerland?? Granite?Shoals?? Grapeland?? Grapevine?? Gravehill?? Greenville?? Greenwood?? Gregory?? Groesbeck?? Groom?? Groves?? Groveton?? Gruene?? Grulla?? Gruver?? Guerra?? Gun?Barrel?City?? Gunter?? Gustine?? Guthrie?? Guy??

Hale?Center?? Hallettsville?? Hallsville?? Haltom?City?? Hamilton?? Hamlin?? Hamshire?? Hankamer?? Happy?? Hardin?? Hargill?? Harker?Heights?? Harleton?? Harlingen?? Harper?? Harrold?? Hart?? Hartley?? Harwood?? Haskell?? Haslet?? Hawkins?? Hawley?? Hearne?? Heath?? Hebbronville?? Hedley?? Hedwig?Village?? Helotes?? Hemphill?? Hempstead?? Henderson?? Henrietta?? Hereford?? Hermleigh?? Hewitt?? Hext?? Hico?? Hidalgo?? Higgins?? High?Island?? Highland?Village?? Highlands?? Hill?Country?Village?? Hillister?? Hillsboro?? Hilltop?Lakes?? Hitchcock?? Hobson?? Hochheim?? Hockley?? Holland?? Holliday?? Hondo?? Honey?Grove?? Hooks?? Horseshoe?Bay?? Houston?? Howe?? Hubbard?? Huffman?? Hufsmith?? Hughes?Springs?? Hull?? Humble?? Hungerford?? Hunt?? Huntington?? Huntsville?? Hurst?? Hutchins?? Hutto?? Hye??

Idalou?? Imperial?? Independence?? Industry?? Inez?? Ingleside?? Ingram?? Iola?? Iowa?Park?? Ira?? Iraan?? Iredell?? Irene?? Irving?? Italy?? Itasca?? Ivanhoe?? Izoro??

Jacinto?City?? Jacksboro?? Jacksonville?? Jarrell?? Jasper?? Jayton?? Jefferson?? Jermyn?? Jersey?Village?? Jewett?? Joaquin?? Johnson?City?? Joinerville?? Jonesboro?? Jonestown?? Jonesville?? Josephine?? Joshua?? Jourdanton?? Judson?? Junction?? Justiceburg?? Justin??

Kamay?? Karnack?? Karnes?City?? Katy?? Kaufman?? Keene?? Keller?? Kemah?? Kemp?? Kempner?? Kendalia?? Kendleton?? Kenedy?? Kennard?? Kennedale?? Kenney?? Kent?? Kerens?? Kermit?? Kerrick?? Kerrville?? Kildare?? Kilgore?? Killeen?? Kingsbury?? Kingsland?? Kingsville?? Kingwood?? Kirby?? Kirbyville?? Kirkland?? Kirvin?? Klein?? Klondike?? Knickerbocker?? Knippa?? Knott?? Knox?City?? Kopperl?? Kosse?? Kountze?? Kress?? Krum?? Kurten?? Kyle??

La?Blanca?? La?Coste?? La?Feria?? La?Grange?? La?Joya?? La?Marque?? La?Porte?? La?Pryor?? La?Salle?? La?Vernia?? La?Villa?? La?Ward?? Lacy?Lakeview?? Lago?Vista?? Laguna?Park?? Laird?Hill?? Lake?Brownwood?? Lake?Creek?? Lake?Dallas?? Lake?Jackson?? Lake?Livingston?? Lake?Pinkston?? Lake?Travis?? Lake?Worth?? Lakehills?? Lakeview?[Hall?County]?? Lakeview?[Jefferson?County]?? Lakeway?? Lamesa?? Lampasas?? Lancaster?? Lane?City?? Laneville?? Langtry?? Laredo?? Larue?? Lasara?? Latexo?? Laughlin?AFB?? Lavon?? Lawn?? Lazbuddie?? League?City?? Leakey?? Leander?? Ledbetter?? Leesburg?? Leesville?? Lefors?? Leggett?? Lelia?Lake?? Leming?? Lenorah?? Leon?Junction?? Leon?Valley?? Leona?? Leonard?? Leroy?? Levelland?? Lewisville?? Lexington?? Liberty?? Liberty?Hill?? Lillian?? Lincoln?? Lindale?? Linden?? Lindsay?? Lingleville?? Linn?? Lipan?? Lipscomb?? Lissie?? Little?Elm?? Little?River?? Littlefield?? Live?Oak?? Liverpool?? Livingston?? Llano?? Lockhart?? Lockney?? Lodi?? Lohn?? Lolita?? Lometa?? London?? Lone?Oak?? Lone?Star?? Long?Branch?? Long?Mott?? Longview?? Loop?? Lopeno?? Loraine?? Lorena?? Lorenzo?? Los?Ebanos?? Los?Fresnos?? Los?Indios?? Lott?? Louise?? Lovelady?? Loving?? Lowake?? Lozano?? Lubbock?? Luckenbach?? Lueders?? Lufkin?? Luling?? Lumberton?? Lyford?? Lyons?? Lytle??
